To Carve or not to Carve

Or do we even bother in getting a pumpkin for Halloween this year? Looking back at the "pumpkin shots" from previous Halloween's , we really don't go all out since we live in flats and don't have either of the places where pumpkins often work best - a porch or a garden. When I was growing up we used to carve the pumpkins, putting a candle in it and sticking it outside - like everyone else...
We did try the year before last to have a pumpkin indoors - but the smell of pumpkin is a bit much in a small flat.

Instead of a real pumpkin we'll probably  have a go at some alternative ideas like papier mâché,  fabric or even bring these babies back out...

If I do decide to carve maybe do these?

I love going to Martha Stewart for last minute ideas...

Introducing ASA.BOT

I created this little guy for my baby nephew Asa (he turned one last month)... His first action figure!

It all started with this book I bought from a Japanese book store while we were in London celebrating Canada Day at Trafalgar Square... I made a few things from the book... some bunnies a little monkey for Peter a couple of kitty cats... I was toying with idea of making him a teddy bear from the book, but changed my mind and designed this felt robot named ASA.BOT!
ASA.BOT stands at 11 inches and he is on his way to Toronto...

more pics of ASA.BOT here

Project 365 - 2010 December

December 2010 Highlights from the Project 365 - 2010 Project. Don't forget you can see all 365 pictures here! It was a lot of fun and I wanted to start another 365 this year but I decided to start it in about 16 days....

Project 365 - 2010 October & November

Project 365 - 2010 highlights from October and November last year...

October 2010

November 2010

Project 365 - 2010 August & September

Project 365 - 2010 highlights from August and September last year...

August 2010

September 2010

Project 365 - 2010 Update

Project 365 was a success... I just haven't gotten around to posting here since, like, June with updates for April and May... (Ooops!) So the next few post will be be of the highlights for those missing months... So to start here are some highlights from June & July 2010...

June 2010

July 2010