Happy 2010!

Happy Belated New Year Everyone! So what did you do? I was in bed by 11pm.... I'm still fighting this cold, that is about a month old... I'm in the clear now I think... I hope!

I am so behind on everything, this cold took a lot out of me... it was a rather dire Christmas and I'm glad that it's over... I just need to finish taking down the decorations and that will be that.

I really think 2010 will be a fabulous year... my head is bursting with a lot of creative ideas and projects... so watch this space! For the rest of the month I will be posting my Goals & Disciplines for 2010... (I think I have about 8)...

until next time then!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Keep at it! Can't wait to hear what your Goals and Diciplines are. I have a few myself. To hell with Resolutions :)